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“汕头防疫”小程序正式启用!The Official Launch of "Shantou Covid-19 Prevention" Mini Program
  • 2022-11-25 15:36
  • 来源:本网
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  •          11月21日,汕头市新冠肺炎防控指挥办发布《汕头市新冠肺炎防控指挥办关于正式启用“汕头防疫”小程序的通告》,正式启用“汕头防疫”小程序。微信小程序“汕头防疫”是汕头市新冠肺炎防控指挥办认证的报备程序,请广大市民朋友抵(返)汕时可提前扫描“汕头防疫”二维码或使用微信小程序“汕头防疫”填报抵(返)汕信息。

             On November 21, Shantou Municipal Office of Covid-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters issued the Notice on the Launch of "Shantou Covid-19 Prevention" Mini Program, officially rolling out "Shantou Covid-19 Prevention" mini-program. The "Shantou Covid-19 Prevention", certified by the Shantou Municipal Office of Covid-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters, is a WeChat mini-program used for reporting travel information. Travelers are recommended to scan the QR code of "Shantou Covid-19 Prevention" and fill in the information when arriving in Shantou.


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